
Hi, thanks for stopping by for a short or long visit :) Im single, drink double and sleep triple :) Life is an adventure :) Join me

Friday, May 19, 2006


Results of restlessness... I cried to let it out. I had no other outlet other than that. I wasnt able to work it out physically, mentally I couldnt focus to backtrack to see where it stemmed from. I was overwhelmed.. with what? A little bit of everything, making it all snowball until tears run down my face. Im not devastated about anything, not ecstatic over anything. I was smiling through it, feeling like there was an excess of ... (fill in appropiate word) like all around me I could see the beauty of it... life The trees standing tall and proud, birds flying high... soaring, gliding, free. People up and about, going on with their day. Dealing with their own degree of restlessness and life.

It didnt last long.. just enough to make me see clearer, think better and the thought that ended it, "its over. Time to keep going." Which I did cz the world and life will go on with or without me. Who likes being left behind? Keep up if you can, stay ahead to compete.

Just got home from the premiere of the Cirque Du Soleil - Quidam. I hear its a great show. I wasnt able to see it. I hope that they can squeeze me in for a show, Ill stay hopeful, they are here for 6 weeks and some days they have 2 shows. (cross fingers, legs and arms for me please) Prices for tickets run from 80-120 Gen seating. Then theres VIP passes where theres free beverages of choice, appetizers, foodstuffs etc. in the Tapis Rouge - which is where I was from 10-1ish. Opening night Gala. It was a blast even though I had to work it. Remind me to tell you about the atmosphere in there lol

From 6-10 I was bartending in the beer tent. The weather of course took a turn for the worse when the doors opened to let guests inside. Sales were down, it was slow. I enjoy the busy rush of high on life drinkers who flirt and... flirt well. That wasnt apparent this evening. Oh well, you cant win them all.

I hear that the Cirque du Soleil is the most organized operation there is in that industry lol. Ill have to verify that somehow. Some of the souvenirs there are beautiful, masks, jewelry, posters, cds and more. They even had purses and bags made from material used from the tent. I guess when a part of the tent itself starts to deteriorate, they fashion them into purses and sell them. I prefer the elaborate masks made with feathers, covering the upper half of anyones face. I was thinking of getting one of them so I have something to wear at a masked ball.

REALITY CHECK- Ive never been to a masked ball and wouldnt know where they held them or who I need to cozy up with to be invited to one... wishful thinking at its best lol

Its early Friday morning now. I have to be up in about 4.5-5 hours if I want to make it into work on time... which I do cz Id also like to leave early (for all the errands and packing for the long weekend) It wouldnt look good if I was late... AND wanted to leave early, would it? lol Have to make sure to set the alarm on my cell. Ive yet to purchase an actual alarm clock. Hey! it works!! lol

Ill forgo the urge to crack the spine on a book I havent read yet. Ill save it for later. some things (like sleep) is more important...at this time.