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Monday, May 25, 2009

382 - waxing soup

So I have an issue with A, he wants something I dont. He wants to have a relationship with me but Im not so keen on that.

If I were to have a relationship with someone Id have to be able to talk to them often, see them often and go out at different times during the day if possible. Not all on the same day but you know what I mean. If its planned and all that and it works out.

The thing is, with A, it very difficult to get a hold of him when I do return his calls. Its even worse when we try to see each other. Plans will change and then the plan is nixed. Dont ask me what he does because even he hasnt been that upfront with me. Which leads me to take what he says with a grain of salt.

When someone says they are going to do something, I have no reason to think they wont do it. But when they dont follow through and they prove consistent in not following through It puts me in a difficult position. it makes me think.

Think of telling him to be a man and man up. Do what you say youre going to do and make sure youre able to back it up. If not then you come out looking like a fool and then makes me feel like one for believing it.

With all the stories he tells its disappointing that he isnt able to come through when he says something. Ive been told Im too nice and I believe it with A because now Im in a spot where I want out and he wants me to say I miss him when he leaves. He asks me when I want him to come back when he goes away.

I heard from SL and hes asking to see how I am since its been a while since we last were together. I know he wants us to get together again but Im not so sure. With him it was a timing thing and I need the guy to be able to compromise as much as I am willing to (if it works for me)

I have to admit that my memory of him are a little fuzzy so it might clear it up to get together with him again but there isnt a pressing need so I can put that one on hold for now. There was this day at a hotel that I remember with him...

SQ is someone I havent mentioned before and I should give him a call and see where we can take things. Ive been a little on the cautious side because its a small world and I would hate for worlds to collide.

R has called and has been a sweetheart. I really should make time for him when he is in town next. I cant promise him anything and I say that to all of the people I meet and I also dont discount that something wont happen. its a play it by ear and see how things work out kind of deal.

SE is off my list as he is in line for a baby. Friends for sure but as for anything else.. its a no go. That doesnt mean he wont try, he is a healthy mle after all but I dont want to distract from the huge responsibility that will be coming his way in the next fesw months.

I cant help but feel a twinge of regret that I wont be able to find out where things could have gone with SE. Hes pretty :) Im not too worried though there was enough there to know that it might not have worked out. So I can put him in my spank bank :)

D and I are still doing our thing and well. Its OK. I havent had a moment where Ive gone all girly on him and asked why? in a why cant we be together kind of way. Instead I just enjoy what it is we do. Not to say that it wont happen again but for now things are going smoothly.


  • At May 26, 2009 6:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Interesting update on the status of The Soup. I also noticed "spank bank", something I haven't seen before here.

  • At May 27, 2009 5:02 PM, Blogger Frank said…

    My Darling,

    Regarding A, it's unfortunate, but all too often a gentleman does indeed need for the lady in his life to tell him to "man up".

    Men, I'm reluctant to admit, have a tendency of excreting only the minimum amount of effort required in a given situation. This, of course, is one of the two ways in which men are a lot like horses.

    In situations such as these, I'm afraid it is incumbent upon a lady to raise the proverbial bar; challenging him to do more than he is currently doing and - if he's really lucky - rewarding him when for his success.

    Oh, and I have to say that I join Rocketman in my appreciation for the term "spank bank". I don't suppose this bank makes loans, do they?

    Love & laughter,


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