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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

290 - JCC

I worked the JCC event last night. It was a lot of fun. I worked hard and I made a lot of money and now I'm very tired. I got home close to 3am this morning. I took The Big Dog out for a walk and that might have been the slowest walk Ive ever had with her. She must have thought I was sleep-walking.

I'm sure I was a couple of times as I remember thinking Ill just lift my feet up and as long as you pull I you'll get your walk. Very tired. In my bedroom I crawled into bed and sighed with relief. Knowing I only had a few hours of sleep I didn't care. It felt so good to be alone, horizontal and naked on clean crisp sheets.

I woke up to my cell phones alarm ringing and I stayed in bed a few extra minutes. Convincing myself that it wasn't a Saturday morning and I could not continue to sleep. Work really does get in the way of a lot of things but without it, it would really hinder a lot as well.

Foggy is how I see the world today. Theres a fog that I cant break through and I think that only sleep and rest will cure it.

Last nights parade of men had me all over the place and had some of them return to try and win a date with Yours Truly. Mid-flirt with an attractive athletic type, I was interrupted by another gentleman that I used to work with and Oh how the loins have fantastic memory. Now you all know that I don't have any kinds of 'relations' with people that I work with.

I was instantly aware that we no longer work together and I would still be Oh So Interested in partaking in some one on one time with Mr Former Coworker. Curious glances after we got caught up on the wheres, whats and who's of life were exchanged and the out of character and insane thought that I could just walk up to him and ask him if he felt the same way and lead him to a hotel and find out if reality fits the fantasy.

How the Gods teased me last night. That's OK I teased the men as good as I was getting. Other than the many different focuses of my attentions for the evening. I had a gentleman take interest in how I liked my job there. Alluding to possible gains should I be interested in meeting with him some time for dinner...


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