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Friday, November 23, 2007

294 - all over the map

Theres all sorts of things happening in my head, heart and soul. Sort of all over the map. Nothing too extreme, just questions, concerns and basic ponderings. Some are illuminating, refreshing and joyous. Others a little on the anxious side. Though at the end of the musings it is still me.

As of late Ive been more introspective than usual. Ive been looking for some changes and I think they have to start with me, which is fine as the changes will benefit me so its not a bad thing at all. I have wondered though where I let go of the reigns as far as my health goes.

So my little confession is that Ive cancelled my membership at the gym. I haven't gone in a while and just refused to stop deluding myself that because I'm paying for the membership I'm OK. I'm not OK when I'm not going to the gym. So that's the change. Its an easy slide down to not being disciplined.

Ive been on and off with working out at home as well. I know it wont get any easier with winter being here. The cold just makes me want to take it easy and hibernate. I wont let that keep me from doing what I need to do.

Ive been working out with Denise this past week either after walking The Big Dog or a little before bed. As long as its done sometime throughout the day I'm happy. I heard somewhere that if something is done 21 days in a row it becomes a habit. I don't know how true that is but its worth working out for that long. LOL

I don't know if I will be cutting down on my social outings, dinners and drink dates. I think Ill just have to be more conscious of what I will be eating. I should try harder.

So this weekend should be good. Relax indoors and maybe go out to do some more shopping. Ive done a lot of it so far for myself. Some things lazy, racy and oh so sexy. Ive also picked up a few things for other people. Holiday shopping can really give your Visa a workout. Phew!

Ill be seeing V Next Monday night for dinner. Hes choosing the location this time so it will be a bit of a drive for me so I wont be drinking too much. Maybe one or two but nothing to excess. Ive been holding him at arms length. Maybe Ill relax my a little bit and see how it goes...

S1 sent me an email letting know of plans to rent a hotel room for a couple of nights and has asked me if I was interested in sharing his bed for those nights. I haven't replied back as I know hes planning on having not only him and I present but have another person there as well.

Ive gotten a call from M and hes always very appreciative of my time that I spend with him on the phone. Always amusing. Maybe one day...

I haven't heard from K in a while which is fine. I think we last left it that I would get in touch with him. The problem is I'm not sure where I left his email address. I don't usually or as of late I am not the type to go after them. I prefer to leave it to them to get in touch with me. I don't want to waste anyone's time so if they are serious then they know how to get in touch with me.

G called me while I was at work and we talked for a few minutes. I haven't seen him in a little over a month and he called to say he missed me and had extra thoughts of me lately which made him call me. He wanted to see how I was doing and catch up on whats been happening. We didn't talk long. He apologized for calling while I was at work and I told him it was good to hear from him. Its true. I was thinking of calling him to see how he was doing. Funny how things work out.

Today is supposed to be a big shopping day with it being Black Friday and all in the US. There's a small part of me that would love to be in comfy shoes shopping away with my sister looking for great deals on things that we really need and or getting great gifts for people. The other part of me is glad that my Visa has time to cool off from last nights marathon.

Maybe next year Ill plan a road trip so we can be nutty and get up for the doors opening and save $ hand over fist. We shall see.

I hope those who celebrated Thanksgiving enjoyed themselves :)


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