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Thursday, April 19, 2007

179 - voices

Darling, Hello... I'm looking for S is he around?

B, No hes not around at the moment, Its B may I help you?

Darling, B! Its Darling, how are you?

B, Weren't you just here? Its always something with you!

(I was just in his department not too long before I had to call)

Darling, Ive missed you already and just had to call... I was wondering if you can help me since S isn't around...

- insert private and confidential Wheeling's and dealings-

B, You know you have an awesome voice, you must be great with clients over the phone...

Darling, You're sweet... Is that why I get more calls than anyone?!

B, Ive no doubt, now keep talking to me...

Darling, Go call a 1-900 number lol My shift there starts at 9pm...

We share a laugh and disconnect.

Same day but later in the afternoon. I'm tired and the day has been long and busy.

My phone rings.

Darling, Hello Darling speaking, how may I help you?

B, It gets better as the days goes on.

Darling, Hello again B, what can I do for you this time?

B, Nothing at all. I just wanted to see if it was a one time thing with your voice.

Darling, Your findings then?

B, It gets better and better as the days goes on... would you be terribly upset if I called you at midnight?

Darling, It might not be me answering...

B ahhhhhhh what luck.

Darling, Have a great day...

I remember someone telling me the same thing sometime ago. That I sound really good on the phone, that my voice hits them in the right places. That I sound breathless sometimes. I told that person it was probably because I was running to the phone so I wouldn't miss the call...

There is also someone out there that's had the pleasure of hearing my voice just as I am waking up. Throaty and sensual? or raspy and dry?

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