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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

196 - guilt free

Went on the road trip with D and it was good. Lots of talking and I was surprised that I stayed awake, so was he as I did warn him that I might take a nap. I guess the nap I had at work did wonders for me.

We went to the Aquasasnee (sic) casino on the reserve in New York State. I lost about 160.00$ Not worried about it. Guilt free spending with the opportunity to make more. lol At one point D was down 900.00$ but the difference is, he made it back. I guess I'm not as big a gambler as I thought I would be.

We had dinner there and talked about whatever. I wasn't pressured to fill the silence. In fact I actually like it. It makes me feel somewhat normal. Not to be talking. Filling the silence and I don't feel that awkwardness that sometimes comes with silence.

Though on the ride back I for some reason shared a few things that I don't normally do. I thought it might scare him away but it didn't. He thought its was great. Though what that means I wont even bother figuring out lol I think he just thinks its great. I asked him after much verbal diarrhea if he was OK about the things that I shared and he said yes of course. Some people might not stick around after that kind of revelation.

Well, I figure if he has a problem with it I wont hear from him right? Right.

On the ride home his hand was on my thigh, my fingers were curious about his fingers and somehow they all ended up getting all touchy.

We got to my place and we fooled around in my living room for a while and that was a lot of fun. We've talked about the sex we've had and he pays attention. Let me tell you. He can read body language.

We took a quasi nap and then he had to leave.

A naked hostess I become after midnight and he always says that I make it hard for him. I lifted an eyebrow when he said that and he said... 'that too but you make it hard for me to leave when you're dressed that way.'

Kiss on the lips and off to my bed all by my great lonesome :)

The next day he calls and tells me he had a great time. We talked a bit about whats happening over the weekend. His weekend if full of moving this into this house that he bought. He is planning on sleeping there Sunday night so he wants to get things set up as much as possible.

I'm not sure if we'll see each other this weekend. That's OK as absence makes the libido meter rise. Though is it bad that my libido isn't particular? Whoever it is in the soup. It makes no difference as long as it is satisfied. I wonder what part of me decides where to focus the direction of my libidinous needs?

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