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Friday, April 20, 2007

181 - Spring is in the air

B last night went well. Wont go too much into it. It was OK. Nothing will come of it but we may see each other every so often. He was nervous with me and I wasn't sure how else to make him feel better/comfortable. So we talked about a lot of things and after a couple of hours I had to leave. He had a drive ahead of him so it was all right.

Game 5 was on last night and I got a text mssg from D asking me if I was watching. Hes a hockey fan all right. I remind him about something and he asks me to listen to it on Team 1200 and keep him posted. So, as I watch the remake of the movie 'O' I am also listening for things to send him via texts. Oh I'm too nice. I'm not even his girlfriend. I wonder for a moment why I am doing this and I cant come up with a reason why not to do this.

It makes for a silly story if somewhat sad. I'm listening to the radio texting someone while they are at work. I'm not a big hockey fan but I am cheering for the Sens. It is playoff season and people go nuts during playoffs. Yours Truly excluded, but I like watching people react to the games and whats happening.

So in the middle of texting him updates on the hockey game, whose hurt, which team has a one man advantage and who got hit hard. I send him a text about a streaker in my living room. What? I thought it was cute. Plus I wasn't far from it, that is, if you consider wearing a pair of black heels clothed.

D came over after he was done work and I made minced meat out of him. Took him to my room and the waiting and anticipating had my engine roaring and as I was on top of him rocking my body over his. I was thinking 'Darling, this isn't your favorite position'

Id like all of you to know that he likes me in the position. Very much. I told him as we were lying on our sides afterwards that it wasn't my best or favorite. He said he couldn't tell at all the way I was going. Well.. when I do something I make sure to do it well (blush) Plus its good for me to keep trying it. Practice makes perfect n'est pas mes amis?

So at about 2 or so in the morning after some more coitus and post coital small talk. He leaves me to sleep. I walk around in my heels and they are sexy on a naked woman. Kiss him as he leaves. Prior to leaving he looks me in eye and asks seriously if Ill be going to bed right after. I blush and say probably not right away. He asks is he can stay and watch. I blush even harder and say maybe another time. If he had asked again I would have let him stay.

So he leaves and I do what I say I am going to do and call him afterwards. To say thanks and goodnight and that I was finished. I get his voicemail, but I still leave him the message. I clean myself up and crawl under the covers and hope that I wake up on time for work.


I open my eyes to a bright room and think. I slept in. I'm late. No, the sun is coming out earlier and brightening my world earlier. I crawl out of bed and look to the shower and the dogs , back to the shower, to the dogs and I jump in the shower, make my breakfast, take the dogs out and feed them and get my things ready for the day. Not all in that order of course.

Ive got a long day today and wont be home until after 9pm. My sister just called me telling me her and the brother are going out for dinner and drinks, I tell her to make it somewhere close to where I will be working and she said she would try so we can all see each other for a while.

No plans for soup tonight or anytime on Saturday. K wants to get together Sunday before I go to work in the evening. We shall see how I am feeling, that and there is this big sale going on and my sister and I really want to go. Maybe her and I can go earlier in the morning so K and I can still get together. I just don't like to feel rushed so maybe Ill have to figure something out.

Oh on JB. Called him for a few minutes last night and still unsure of how or where things are. Felt like I wasn't supposed to call. Oh well I'm not expecting anything out of this as to have expectations is calling for disappointment. (Expecting a lot that is) Have some like good times, good conversations, laughter and the like. Nothing like forever or marriage or what not s those come in time if things are meant to be.

So he was at the hockey game. I told him to have fun and that I would talk to him another time. Not a long conversation at all so it was OK. Ive been trying to watch 'O' for a while (A WEEK) and haven't been able to follow or finish. Oh well its a good thing its on DVD and I can select scenes.

I also have Saw part 2 and have yet to pop that on. I think ill do that sometime this weekend if I can. Maybe Sunday night. Ive got no plans. Must think of who to invite to be manly and protect me from my own imaginations. No, not those... the scary ones! He would encourage the other ones.

Next week the soup selection looks kind of weak. But then again it is waaay too early to tell. The way things go usually is highs and lows. Sometimes everything happens at once and then there is nothing happening. We shall see if this continues.


Its been an interesting week. Other than what Ive been able to post a few other things have occurred and have kept me busy. Spring is in the air :) The sun is shining the snow has melted. Love is in the air, people are horny and the flowers will soon be blooming.

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