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Friday, May 11, 2007

199 - wondering

I wonder if those thrown in the soup mind that they are in my blog. I feel a little unfair when I blog about them as its not nice to talk about people behind their back. Though I have no issues when writing about them and the things that come with them in my diary. Which... this is a form of.

I also wonder about the men that I don't include in the soup. I hope they aren't insulted that I don't write about them. In time... in time. Ill have to think about the reasons for not writing about them might be more personal?

I also wonder if anyone of them have a blog of their own and if I have made it in there somehow. I wonder if my sister has a blog for that matter. I know my brother has one which I have never been on to see. Aside from me and you, no one else knows that I blog. OH wait... that male coworker I wrote about previously. Hopefully he has smoked that memory away :)

I was talking to D and we somehow got to talking abut what guys share with each other. A lot, apparently about their sexual escapades with women... UNLESS its a special woman. Then they don't want to share because of this reason and that. So if it was with someone that wasn't special or someone temporary as in a one or or two night stand then its a story to tell the guys.

Its things like this that my mind decides to pick apart for a while. I guess what it all boils down to is I wonder if they think of me when we aren't together. Though there is no guarantee that they are thinking of me when we are in fact together.

I'm in a mood to hear what they have to say about me as I'm a sucker for constructive criticism. There is always room for improvement I guess.


Adding to the soup is M, still in the waaaaaaaay early stages of anything. I'm seeing him this Saturday early afternoon. First time meeting. Spoken on the phone exactly, twice. Second phone call was to make sure I was ok with meeting on Saturday. Considerate. Now usually I don't rush into meeting anyone so soon and only after one conversation, but I was feeling daring and a bit out of sorts and wanted something to happen. So I made something happen.

Seems simple. Nothing happening? Make something happen. TADA

We talked for about 30-45 minutes and I find out hes in his early 30's, lives with a roommate in the west end. Works evenings mostly and has dark hair, brown eyes. He is also 5'9 feet tall. He has 2 dogs and we have one breed in common. He is a car guy and drives a Jeep or a Camaro, depending on the weather/season. He does not work out at the same gym that I go to nor does he own a jacket with the logo on it, however he does have a dryfit shirt with the logo on it. He has an older sister who went to the same HS as I did. I don't know her as she is about 10 years older than I am. He was born in Ottawa and has a bit of an accent... french, which he isn't and speaks a little of. Go figure. Seems normal so far but then again maybe I didn't give him enough time to turn into a toad.

No idea what will happen. A massage was brief topic discussed...

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  • At May 11, 2007 6:38 PM, Blogger George said…

    Hay Darlin' ... Unless Ottawa is full of sex and tell people, I don't know any guys who talk about what they did with their conquests ... and that covers guys from their 20ies to 50ies.

  • At May 12, 2007 8:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I sometimes think that maybe I should give my blog URL to some people who I know personally. But so far I haven't, because I don't think I'd feel comfortable with that. I like my blog read by online friends and acquaintances only. Leaves me more free to post what I want.

  • At May 12, 2007 10:00 AM, Blogger darling said…

    Hey George,

    Hmmm I guess it depends on who people are with. I know some people talk about certain things.

    Maybe its in the company people keep.

    Hi Rocketman,

    Im tempted to do that too!! But then my blog would change. As now Ive crossed off talking about certain things.

    This way I get to just tell it like it is and not worry aout things that I might with people that I knew.

    It allows for openess that may not agree with some people.

  • At May 12, 2007 10:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Exactly!...I would probably alter my entries and topics if someone I knew personally or a relative would read my blog.

    Funny how sometimes we can be more 'ourselves' with strangers or people we've never met, at least in regard to writing.


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